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Welcome to the future of body composition analysis!

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The InBody 370s scan use cutting-edge technology to give you a comprehensive and accurate view of your body's muscle, fat, bone and water composition. Say goodbye to guesswork and start optimizing your training and diet!

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Benefits of taking a body composition test

1-Accurate measurement of body composition: InBody tests use bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to measure your body composition, providing a more accurate and detailed breakdown of your muscle mass, body fat percentage, and water distribution than other methods such as body mass index (BMI) or skinfold calipers. Inbody accuracy is generally considered to be within 3-5% of Dexa scan accuracy (Golden standard) for body composition analysis.

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2-Personalized health and fitness goals: By understanding your body composition, you can set more realistic and specific goals for your health and fitness. For example, if you have a high body fat percentage, you may want to focus on reducing fat while maintaining muscle mass, or if you have low muscle mass, you may want to focus on strength training.

3-Tracking progress: Regular InBody tests can help you track changes in your body composition over time, which can be a great way to measure progress and stay motivated. This is particularly useful for athletes, bodybuilders, or anyone working towards specific fitness goals.

4-Identifying health risks: InBody tests can also help identify potential health risks associated with imbalances in body composition. For example, a high body fat percentage is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions, while low muscle mass can increase the risk of falls and injury in older adults.

5-Objective feedback: InBody tests provide objective data about your body composition, which can be particularly useful for people who struggle with body image or have a history of disordered eating. This can help you focus on your overall health and wellness rather than just your appearance.


Overall, InBody composition tests can be a useful tool for anyone looking to optimize their health and fitness, from elite athletes to everyday gym-goers.

Results sheet explained

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1- Body Composition Analysis: This section shows the overall body composition analysis of the individual. It includes the individual's weight, skeletal muscle mass, body fat mass, and body fat percentage.


2- Segmental Lean Analysis: This section shows the distribution of lean body mass in different body segments, such as arms, legs, and trunk. It helps to identify any muscle imbalances in the body.


3- Obesity Analysis: This section provides information about the individual's obesity level, including body fat percentage, BMI, and waist circumference.

4- Body Balance Evaluation: This section evaluates the balance of muscle development and proportion between the upper and lower body. It can help to identify any asymmetries or imbalances in the body.


5- Muscle-Fat Analysis: This section shows the distribution of muscle and fat in the body, as well as the overall muscle-to-fat ratio. It helps to assess the individual's overall fitness level.


6- Visceral Fat Level: This section provides information about the amount of visceral fat, which is the type of fat that surrounds the organs in the abdomen. High levels of visceral fat can increase the risk of health problems, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


7- Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): This section shows the individual's basal metabolic rate, which is the number of calories that the body burns at rest. This can help to determine the individual's daily caloric needs.


8- Body Mass Index (BMI): This section provides information about the individual's BMI, which is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. It can help to assess the individual's overall health and fitness level.


9- Body Fat Mass Control: This section provides recommendations on how to control body fat mass, such as through exercise and diet. It can help the individual to achieve their fitness goals and improve their overall health.

Basic rules to ensure the most accurate body composition measurement

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The InBody test is a non-invasive body composition analysis that provides detailed information about your body's muscle mass, fat mass, and water content.

Here are some recommendations to ensure an optimal InBody test:


1- Avoid eating, drinking, or exercising for at least two hours before the test. This will ensure that your body is in a stable state and not affected by recent food or water intake or physical activity.


2- Wait at least 30 minutes after a shower before performing an InBody scan. This is because taking a shower can temporarily alter the body's water content and distribution, which can affect the accuracy of the results

3- Wear tight-fitting clothing that covers as much skin as possible, such as shorts and a sports bra or tank top. Avoid wearing jewelry or anything that might interfere with the electrical conductivity of the test.


4- Use the restroom before the test to ensure an accurate measurement of your body's water content.


5- Stand still and maintain good posture during the test. Ensure that your feet are placed correctly on the electrodes and that your hands are properly positioned on the hand electrodes.


6- Take multiple tests over time to track changes in your body composition. It is important to note that InBody tests may be affected by factors such as hydration level, time of day, and recent physical activity, so it's important to take multiple tests under similar conditions to accurately track changes in your body composition.

Conditions not suitable to perform
an inbody scan

There are certain conditions that are not recommended for an InBody scan for safety reasons. These include:


1- Pregnancy: The electrical current used during the scan may harm the fetus.


2- Implanted medical devices: The electrical current used during the scan may interfere with the functioning of pacemakers, defibrillators, or other implanted medical devices.


If you have any medical conditions or concerns, it is always best to consult with your healthcare provider before undergoing an InBody scan.

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